Nursing Home Negligence And Abuse, Bedsores
New York Nursing Home Bedsore, Neglect And Abuse Lawyers
Placing your loved one in the care of a nursing home is a bond of trust. When that trust is violated, nursing home patients may suffer a debilitating bedsore, fracture, infection, or other serious injury, or death. We pride ourselves as advocates for the elderly and disabled in our statewide efforts to hold nursing homes accountable when they engage in or condone the abuse or neglect of the more than 117,000 residents entrusted to their care.
The personal injury attorneys at Ellis Law and our nursing home litigation co-counsel have extensive experience in handling personal injury and wrongful death nursing home cases throughout the State of New York. We can help you in the following legal areas:
- Bedsore Injuries
- Nursing Home Negligence
- Physical or Chemical Restraints
- Nursing Home Injury Info Center
Neglect and abuse of your loved one in a nursing home is not a problem that will just go away. You need to take action against the nursing home and hold them responsible. Legal action can help ensure the safety of your loved ones and possibly prevent future instances of nursing home neglect and abuse against them or others.
Trust That Is Placed In A Nursing Home Is Violated
Each resident at a nursing home has unique needs related to ongoing medical care. The staff is responsible for identifying those specific issues and having protocols in place to ensure the highest standard of care. Trust is placed in these facilities to ensure the safety and health of beloved family members throughout the facility.
In recognition of this fact, both New York Public Health and Federal Laws provide very powerful and very specific protections and legal rights for the victims of nursing home errors. However, it is important for nursing home negligence victims and their families to understand that those statutory protections are only viable if someone undertakes the important job of enforcing them. At Ellis Law, we take pride in the fact that our job is to fight to guarantee those protections and to enforce those rights every day. However, the only way we can do so for your loved one is if you contact us in a timely fashion so that we can conduct a diligent investigation of your claim.
Nursing Home Injuries Are No Accident
When trust is violated, nursing home injuries and deaths can occur. Many times, these injuries and deaths are the result of neglect. Most nursing home injuries are preventable and others treatable and curable despite what you may be told by negligent nursing home employees or medical professionals.
- Bedsores are not, contrary to popular belief, simply “unavoidable” minor injuries suffered by an immobile patient. A recent survey indicated that 14% of the high-risk patients among the 117,000 New York State nursing home residents suffered from bedsores. New York nursing homes received only a 1-star (on a scale of 1-5) National performance ranking based upon the number of bed sore patients in New York nursing homes.Although most people feel these potentially deadly injuries just “happen” when a patient is bedridden, that is far from the truth. Ellis Law wants you to know the truth. Bedsores, which are also known by the terms pressure sores, pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers can often be prevented, treated and many times, cured if proper medical protocol (e.g., dry sheets, turning of patients, medication, nutrition, etc.) is followed by the facility.Failure on the part of a nursing home to institute, implement and diligently adhere to such protocol can result in terrible suffering, scarring, amputation and even death. Failure to follow such protocol is negligence and likely a violation of New York and Federal Laws enacted specifically to protect vulnerable nursing home residents. To learn more about the legal rights of bedsore victims, go to our bedsores page.
- Nurse negligence or nursing home negligence can result in falls or patients being dropped or otherwise mistreated causing fractures, scarring, dehydration, bedsores (pressure sores, pressure ulcers, decubitus ulcers), severe infection and many other serious personal injuries resulting in pain, suffering, surgery or even death. Nurses and nursing home staff are supposed to provide competent care, not worsen their patient’s condition or cause additional personal injury. We entrust our loved ones to nursing homes based on this justifiable assumption. If they violate this trust, through aggressive litigation, Ellis Law will remind them of their need not to do so with your loved one or other patients in the future. To learn more about the legal rights of nurse negligence or nursing home negligence victims, go to our nursing home negligence page.
- Physical or chemical restraints are extreme measures that should only be taken in dangerous situations. They are not babysitting devices used when staff members are unable to properly care for a resident in need because a given nursing home facility is reluctant to spend the money to have adequate staffing. Nor are they intended to be used to make the life of the existing nursing home staff easier. These are our loved ones. They must be treated humanely and with all due sensitivity irrespective of the budgetary or convenience issues of the nursing home facility. To learn more about the legal rights of physical or chemical constraint victims, go to our physical or chemical restraints page.
To get more information free of charge, or to ask any questions you may have or schedule an appointment with an experienced personal injury lawyer or nursing home negligence lawyer regarding nursing home injuries or death, please call us today at 1-800-LAW-7777
or 1-800-3-ABOGADO (toll free), e-mail us or submit the Nursing Home Answerline sm request form on the right side of this page for a prompt response.
Ellis Law, P.C.
Attorneys At Law
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The Ellis Building
2076 South Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
(all mail should be sent to this central processing office)
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