Nursing home neglect is an unacceptable part of many patients' lives. It happens under the eye of those who are supposed to be caring for your loved one, and in many cases, it involves those who are at their most vulnerable.Did you know that you can file a complaint...
Nursing Home Neglect
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Protect your loved one from psychological abuse in nursing care
Nursing home neglect comes in many forms. One that is often overlooked is the psychological abuse that individuals may face. Psychological abuse can range from ignoring residents to degrading them. Psychological abuse could include threats or humiliation.For instance,...
The secrets nursing homes hide from potential residents
Not all nursing homes are the kind, loving and watchful facilities you hope they are. Many make mistakes and hire staff members who don't have your loved ones' best interests at heart. Sometimes, there are secrets that nursing homes don't want you to know. An April 23...